December 30th, 2019
by Matt Adler
by Matt Adler
Howdy do friends! Can’t believe I’ve been back in San Antonio for over half a year. It’s been so sweet to be surrounded by my people and my family, while at the same time doing life with so many new folks! God is good and has expanded my community in such a sweet way. He’s also provided for me in this season, filling my studio with clients and opening up opportunities to play and lead worship around the state with some of my favorite people. And of course, Collective Worship is still a thing and there’s been a lot of progress on that front as well.
Collective Worship
November 15th we filled Stone Creek Sound with worshipers from across the state and recorded audio/video of the entire event, tracking four songs in the process. It was among the most memorable evenings in recent memory, I’ll never forget it.
Collective Worship
November 15th we filled Stone Creek Sound with worshipers from across the state and recorded audio/video of the entire event, tracking four songs in the process. It was among the most memorable evenings in recent memory, I’ll never forget it.

Studio Shenanigans
I’ve had an unreasonable amount of talented folks grace Splendid Studios over the last several months…
Madelin Mae – Hoo wee, this girl can write a song! We tracked a single – “Cactus Company” – several months back and it’s one of my favorites. Kinda haunting Americana-y singer/songwriter-y stuff. We are 70% through a second single, “Dear Lynchburg”, that will drop in Q1 of 2020.
The Lenards – I had the privilege of serving at PaulAnn Church for two years with Caleb and Tabbatha Lenard, a mega talented husband and wife duo. Caleb is a great drummer and (I didn’t know this before we went in-studio) guitarist, and Tabbatha has a voice to melt your soul. We tracked a single called “Better“, a beautiful acoustic track written in honor of Tabbatha’s great grandmother.
KJ & Erik – Another mega talented husband and wife duo, Kara and Erik Lujan are great friends of mine. Kara and I led worship together multiple times a month for years. They had written an absolutely killer indie groovy dark bluesy… whatever genre it is… tune called “You’re My Midnight“. I adore this song, you should totally check it out.
Ryan Proudfoot – This dude and I go back nearly a decade (and like four albums) and I was ultra excited when he asked me to produce and track a new single – “Walls” – for him. This song is quite different than stuff we’ve done in the past. It definitely sounds like Ryan, but there is a uniqueness in style and vibe, as well as an authenticity, honesty, and realness that makes this tune truly special.
Chad Overman – 10 years ago Chad and I started tracking an album of songs that sound like they’re from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. We recorded a few songs, only one of which was completed. Then we sat on it for years. Right when I returned to San Antonio, Chad gave me a call and let me know he wanted to finally finish this record. The best part of the story? The album was always going to be called “Again for the First Time“. The single from the record, “Hold Me Darlin’“, was stylistically sort of a cross between Bobby Darin and the Beach boys. The rest of the songs have a similar (but different) vibe – some sound like James Taylor, Patsy Cline, the Eagles, the Rolling Stones, and everywhere in between. Released in mid-December, it is a special – and FUN – record. Check it out!
Lo Alaman – Lo is known as a Christian spoken word artist and he is so anointed and gifted in his craft. We tracked several spoken word and rap tracks, and honestly it’s one of the most unique and powerful expressions of worship and art that I’ve had the chance to work on. He will be releasing these songs individually, alongside videos, every couple of weeks starting early next year. I highly recommend keeping your eye out for this one.
Laura Marie – Laura and I go way back. I’ve sung and played guitar on past releases of hers and was super excited when she reached out to see if I’d be interested in producing a song called “Out Loud” that she’d written. It came out so good! We intentionally kept the arrangement very simple, with only a basic band lineup – drums, bass, keys, and a single electric guitar track. It sparkles and is a definite earworm.
Jessica Paige – Jessica is from PA and I produced a swing/hip-hop track for her several months back entitled “Trivial Pursuit“. It’s a catchy tune and just took 1st place in the jazz category of the Philadelphia Live Music Awards.
Emily Canupp, Kara Head, Ally Coscetti – These three ultra talented vocalists came into the studio at one point or another to record some acoustic tracks. Emily and Kara are talented Christian singer/songwriters with a knack for writing good melodies and moving lyrics. Ally and I led worship together for a year and she has a tremendous voice. She and I recorded some Christmas songs and cover tracks as a gift for a family member.
I’ve also had the opportunity to do some session work on tunes for Rich O’Toole, Julia Hatfield, Vanessa Lynn Bird, Katy McKenzie, Austin Ausley, Lee Towell, and Ponciano Seoane.
I’ve had an unreasonable amount of talented folks grace Splendid Studios over the last several months…
Madelin Mae – Hoo wee, this girl can write a song! We tracked a single – “Cactus Company” – several months back and it’s one of my favorites. Kinda haunting Americana-y singer/songwriter-y stuff. We are 70% through a second single, “Dear Lynchburg”, that will drop in Q1 of 2020.
The Lenards – I had the privilege of serving at PaulAnn Church for two years with Caleb and Tabbatha Lenard, a mega talented husband and wife duo. Caleb is a great drummer and (I didn’t know this before we went in-studio) guitarist, and Tabbatha has a voice to melt your soul. We tracked a single called “Better“, a beautiful acoustic track written in honor of Tabbatha’s great grandmother.
KJ & Erik – Another mega talented husband and wife duo, Kara and Erik Lujan are great friends of mine. Kara and I led worship together multiple times a month for years. They had written an absolutely killer indie groovy dark bluesy… whatever genre it is… tune called “You’re My Midnight“. I adore this song, you should totally check it out.
Ryan Proudfoot – This dude and I go back nearly a decade (and like four albums) and I was ultra excited when he asked me to produce and track a new single – “Walls” – for him. This song is quite different than stuff we’ve done in the past. It definitely sounds like Ryan, but there is a uniqueness in style and vibe, as well as an authenticity, honesty, and realness that makes this tune truly special.
Chad Overman – 10 years ago Chad and I started tracking an album of songs that sound like they’re from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. We recorded a few songs, only one of which was completed. Then we sat on it for years. Right when I returned to San Antonio, Chad gave me a call and let me know he wanted to finally finish this record. The best part of the story? The album was always going to be called “Again for the First Time“. The single from the record, “Hold Me Darlin’“, was stylistically sort of a cross between Bobby Darin and the Beach boys. The rest of the songs have a similar (but different) vibe – some sound like James Taylor, Patsy Cline, the Eagles, the Rolling Stones, and everywhere in between. Released in mid-December, it is a special – and FUN – record. Check it out!
Lo Alaman – Lo is known as a Christian spoken word artist and he is so anointed and gifted in his craft. We tracked several spoken word and rap tracks, and honestly it’s one of the most unique and powerful expressions of worship and art that I’ve had the chance to work on. He will be releasing these songs individually, alongside videos, every couple of weeks starting early next year. I highly recommend keeping your eye out for this one.
Laura Marie – Laura and I go way back. I’ve sung and played guitar on past releases of hers and was super excited when she reached out to see if I’d be interested in producing a song called “Out Loud” that she’d written. It came out so good! We intentionally kept the arrangement very simple, with only a basic band lineup – drums, bass, keys, and a single electric guitar track. It sparkles and is a definite earworm.
Jessica Paige – Jessica is from PA and I produced a swing/hip-hop track for her several months back entitled “Trivial Pursuit“. It’s a catchy tune and just took 1st place in the jazz category of the Philadelphia Live Music Awards.
Emily Canupp, Kara Head, Ally Coscetti – These three ultra talented vocalists came into the studio at one point or another to record some acoustic tracks. Emily and Kara are talented Christian singer/songwriters with a knack for writing good melodies and moving lyrics. Ally and I led worship together for a year and she has a tremendous voice. She and I recorded some Christmas songs and cover tracks as a gift for a family member.
I’ve also had the opportunity to do some session work on tunes for Rich O’Toole, Julia Hatfield, Vanessa Lynn Bird, Katy McKenzie, Austin Ausley, Lee Towell, and Ponciano Seoane.
Hymns and Hops
One of the most life-giving things I’ve had the opportunity to do since I’ve been back is lead at two Hymns and Hops gatherings in New Braunfels, at 5 Stones Artisan Brewery. Here, people gather, break bread, share in some drinks, and sing hymns to our Creator at the top of their lungs. They are so engaged and sing so loud, it’s truly a beautiful and overwhelming experience! February 23rd is the next event, I highly recommend you come out and give it a try!
One of the most life-giving things I’ve had the opportunity to do since I’ve been back is lead at two Hymns and Hops gatherings in New Braunfels, at 5 Stones Artisan Brewery. Here, people gather, break bread, share in some drinks, and sing hymns to our Creator at the top of their lungs. They are so engaged and sing so loud, it’s truly a beautiful and overwhelming experience! February 23rd is the next event, I highly recommend you come out and give it a try!

I’m super excited (and having a bit of an existential crisis) about 2020. God’s got something in store, and I’m anxious to see what it might be. Merry-belated-Christmas and Happy-almost-New-Year!
Posted in News
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