March 19th, 2013
by Matt Adler
by Matt Adler
Howdy do peeps! What a WHIRLWIND of a 2013 so far. I’ve been moving at a mile-a-minute for so long, I’m surprised I haven’t burst into flames. Today is my first somewhat “down” day in over a month. But no worries! I’m blessed beyond anything I deserve. It’s just sometimes hard to think straight when you’re constantly going going going (cue Energizer Bunny joke here).

I’ve been in the new Splendid Studios location for nearly a month now and the calendar has filled in nicely. It’s so rewarding to be in a facility that is mine. My name is on the lease and not someone else’s. It’s comforting to know I likely won’t be kicked out at a moment’s notice and without warning.
This next few months are going to be super exciting as many projects I have worked on (as both a producer and session musician) will be released!
1) Lucas Jack – Sun City LP. I played nearly all the guitars on this 15 track monster of an album. I have tremendous respect for Lucas. This guy writes the catchiest songs ever and is a phenomenal keyboard player and vocalist. Think a modern take on 70s/80s piano-based singer/songwriter pop a la Billy Joel. His CD release party is this Saturday, the 23rd, and I am honored that Lucas asked me to play guitar. If you have nothing going on, you should come out. The show is going to be totes epical. AND, to make life even MORE glorious, it’s a joint CD release party with…
2) Jackson Parten. This guy is tremendous. Amazing vocalist and songwriter. I was fortunate to be able to play electric guitar on the title track of his forthcoming EP. Both this project and Lucas’ were tracked at Hollywood Studios and produced by the illustrious and always lovely Mack Damon.
3) Seleste Paige – Here I Go EP. It’s been a long time coming! This EP has the distinction of having been tracked across three different Splendid Studios locations, including my old home studio. I produced this record and played many of the instruments, accompanied by the electric guitar wizardry of Adam Flohmeyer on a few tracks and Blake Alexander’s patented drummery. Señor Mack Damon provided mastering services. I am absolutely stoked about this project. The songs range from catchy as heck to punch-you-in-the-face indie to purdy jazziness to Civil Wars-y acoustic… yet they all fit together. This record is slated for release in late April. To preorder the album and help Seleste pay some last minute album-related bills, click here.
4) Ty Dillon – Self Titled EP. Ty is a TX country artist from Dallas who came down to have me produce his forthcoming EP. This guy is only 19 years old and is already writing some of the catchiest country tunes I’ve ever heard. He released his If You Only Knew single on Valentine’s Day and is looking to hopefully release his full record next month or the month after. Tracking his record was a very cool experience because of all the talent that played. The bassist and banjo player from the Josh Abbott Band (James Hertless and Austin Davis, respectively) as well as Robert Earl Keen’s pedal steel player (Marty Muse) all make an appearance. An ex-student of mine named Seth Greco played most of the lead electric parts and completely blew everyone away. SA-based studio drummer extraordinaire Chris Mize plays a tune, and we even had an award-winning 15 year old fiddle player named Harrison Schumann play on several tracks. We cranked all five songs out in less than two weeks of work. Insanity. But we did it and the end result is fantastic!
5) Ryan Proudfoot – Treasure LP. What else can I say about the Foot? I produced his debut My Everything EP, released 13 months ago. We have since become great friends and have begun playing tons of shows together, releasing a string of ridiculous and awesome and ridiculous YouTube videos, and simply doing life together. This latest LP is going to blow minds and melt faces. Every song is amazing and catchy, yet unique. Steve Fallone at Sterling Sound in NYC will be mastering this album. Ryan has a music video coming out in 6 days for one of the songs we tracked for this new LP (released as a single in August) called “I Need You Now”. Check his Facebook page to be kept in the loop. I saw the video and it’s fantastic. All proceeds from sales of this single go to support victims of human trafficking.
I am super blessed to be able to work with incredible talent every day. Amazing people. Amazing music. Tomorrow will bring me back to the ol’ grindstone. But I wouldn’t change anything for the world.
This next few months are going to be super exciting as many projects I have worked on (as both a producer and session musician) will be released!
1) Lucas Jack – Sun City LP. I played nearly all the guitars on this 15 track monster of an album. I have tremendous respect for Lucas. This guy writes the catchiest songs ever and is a phenomenal keyboard player and vocalist. Think a modern take on 70s/80s piano-based singer/songwriter pop a la Billy Joel. His CD release party is this Saturday, the 23rd, and I am honored that Lucas asked me to play guitar. If you have nothing going on, you should come out. The show is going to be totes epical. AND, to make life even MORE glorious, it’s a joint CD release party with…
2) Jackson Parten. This guy is tremendous. Amazing vocalist and songwriter. I was fortunate to be able to play electric guitar on the title track of his forthcoming EP. Both this project and Lucas’ were tracked at Hollywood Studios and produced by the illustrious and always lovely Mack Damon.
3) Seleste Paige – Here I Go EP. It’s been a long time coming! This EP has the distinction of having been tracked across three different Splendid Studios locations, including my old home studio. I produced this record and played many of the instruments, accompanied by the electric guitar wizardry of Adam Flohmeyer on a few tracks and Blake Alexander’s patented drummery. Señor Mack Damon provided mastering services. I am absolutely stoked about this project. The songs range from catchy as heck to punch-you-in-the-face indie to purdy jazziness to Civil Wars-y acoustic… yet they all fit together. This record is slated for release in late April. To preorder the album and help Seleste pay some last minute album-related bills, click here.
4) Ty Dillon – Self Titled EP. Ty is a TX country artist from Dallas who came down to have me produce his forthcoming EP. This guy is only 19 years old and is already writing some of the catchiest country tunes I’ve ever heard. He released his If You Only Knew single on Valentine’s Day and is looking to hopefully release his full record next month or the month after. Tracking his record was a very cool experience because of all the talent that played. The bassist and banjo player from the Josh Abbott Band (James Hertless and Austin Davis, respectively) as well as Robert Earl Keen’s pedal steel player (Marty Muse) all make an appearance. An ex-student of mine named Seth Greco played most of the lead electric parts and completely blew everyone away. SA-based studio drummer extraordinaire Chris Mize plays a tune, and we even had an award-winning 15 year old fiddle player named Harrison Schumann play on several tracks. We cranked all five songs out in less than two weeks of work. Insanity. But we did it and the end result is fantastic!
5) Ryan Proudfoot – Treasure LP. What else can I say about the Foot? I produced his debut My Everything EP, released 13 months ago. We have since become great friends and have begun playing tons of shows together, releasing a string of ridiculous and awesome and ridiculous YouTube videos, and simply doing life together. This latest LP is going to blow minds and melt faces. Every song is amazing and catchy, yet unique. Steve Fallone at Sterling Sound in NYC will be mastering this album. Ryan has a music video coming out in 6 days for one of the songs we tracked for this new LP (released as a single in August) called “I Need You Now”. Check his Facebook page to be kept in the loop. I saw the video and it’s fantastic. All proceeds from sales of this single go to support victims of human trafficking.
I am super blessed to be able to work with incredible talent every day. Amazing people. Amazing music. Tomorrow will bring me back to the ol’ grindstone. But I wouldn’t change anything for the world.
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