January 5th, 2016
by Matt Adler
by Matt Adler
Greetings and salutations friends, well-wishers, and not-so-well-wishers! And happiest of new years to you all! It’s been a long time since I’ve been blogalicious, but there is a lot coming down the pike so I wanted to provide an update. Here ’tis!

I miss Calvin and Hobbes.
2015 was the best year yet. Formed relationships. Pursued my calling to full-time ministry as Director of Contemporary Worship at University United Methodist in San Antonio. Began work on a new full-length album (#ScatteredAlbum ftwwww) with my best friends. Turned 30 (freaked out about this initially… then I realized the 30s are the same as your 20s except you know more stuff and are more financially stable).
2016 stands to be even better. Meeting new people. Doing new things. Growing, changing. And the new album will be completed and released, accompanied by a proverbial slew of shows. There are quite a few vertical worship songs on this album and I’m excited to play them at churches and camps around the region! There are also a lot of up-tempo tunes. Some rock-y tunes. Some technical/progressive elements. Some indie stuff. We are super pumped to play these songs live! But first things first: we will be releasing the first single from the new album within the next month. Huzzah! So keep your eyes peeled!
The illustrious David Brent (@davidbrentdrums of Madler Band lore, not The Office [UK] fame) has tracked all of his drum parts.
2016 stands to be even better. Meeting new people. Doing new things. Growing, changing. And the new album will be completed and released, accompanied by a proverbial slew of shows. There are quite a few vertical worship songs on this album and I’m excited to play them at churches and camps around the region! There are also a lot of up-tempo tunes. Some rock-y tunes. Some technical/progressive elements. Some indie stuff. We are super pumped to play these songs live! But first things first: we will be releasing the first single from the new album within the next month. Huzzah! So keep your eyes peeled!
The illustrious David Brent (@davidbrentdrums of Madler Band lore, not The Office [UK] fame) has tracked all of his drum parts.
Bass, keys, vocals and guitars have been tracked for a few songs as well. I’d say the album is 35% done. But we are kicking things into high gear! Right now we are shooting for an April release and more specifics are forthcoming. Teaser photos, videos, audios, song stories, and other content will be posted frequently so keep checking all the standard social media outlets for the latest scoop –
And just for funsies, here is the latest track listing for the album:
1) The Road
2) Scattered
3) Enjoy the Silence
4) On My Way To You
5) Only You
6) King Jesus
7) Kyrie
8) Alpha and Omega
9) Wait (Psalm 62)
10) Love Like You Love Me
11) Doxology
Thank you to everyone who made 2015 so special. My hope and prayer is that each and every person reading this has a spectacular 2016, filled with joy and love. I’m excited to see what the year has in store.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13
- Matt
And just for funsies, here is the latest track listing for the album:
1) The Road
2) Scattered
3) Enjoy the Silence
4) On My Way To You
5) Only You
6) King Jesus
7) Kyrie
8) Alpha and Omega
9) Wait (Psalm 62)
10) Love Like You Love Me
11) Doxology
Thank you to everyone who made 2015 so special. My hope and prayer is that each and every person reading this has a spectacular 2016, filled with joy and love. I’m excited to see what the year has in store.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13
- Matt
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